On episode 144 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz podcast, Kyle and Craig look back at 1944 when a hurricane washed away the Heinz Pier and the musical Atlantic City hit the big screen. Then we get into the news before talking about potential AC trips.
The news:
- The Army of the Dead trailer is out and it’s very obviously in Showboat.
- Phillips and Souzai at The Playground are permanently closed.
- Restaurants can go to 50% capacity starting March 19th.
- Boardwalk Hall is hosting its first events since March 2020.
- A Stockton University survey shows promising signs for Atlantic City’s recovery after COVID. (See the infographic.)
Also check out appearances by Everything AC Casinos co-founder Joe Arnashus and Seven Stars Insider publisher Darryl McEwen on The Other Side of Midnight with Frank Morano.
Like the podcast? Think there’s something we should discuss? Let us know in the comments, reach out to us on Twitter, post it in our Facebook group, or email us at dueforawin@gmail.com.
Episode info: [ 0:41:47 | 20.1 MB | download here ]
Since 1882, piers have been a unique entertainment aspect of Atlantic City. One that no longer exists is Heinz Pier, on the Boardwalk at *Massachusetts Avenue.* In 1898, H.J. Heinz opened the 900-foot pier (on the site of the former Iron Pier) providing a place to exhibit Heinz food products. It offered demonstration kitchens with free hot and cold food samples, a museum exhibiting Heinz’ art collection and a solarium with reclining chairs and writing desks. Heinz Pier was destroyed by the massive hurricane of 1944, when wind gusts reached 105 mph.
(that is where Ocean resort is now.)
Thank you so much for the comment Larry! I see there are some parts of it now where I assume it was https://www.google.com/maps/@39.3608793,-74.4129089,3a,75y,158.71h,83.99t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPbEPk8r27dtLSZtCbmur3hTKl9CzXbtsfNOtcq!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPbEPk8r27dtLSZtCbmur3hTKl9CzXbtsfNOtcq%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya179.52957-ro0-fo100!7i8704!8i4352