DFAW #121: Are We Fools for Going?

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On episode 121 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig look back at 1921 and the first ever Miss America, then discuss the potential for Coronavirus-related changes to our trip plans this weekend. Then we talk news before recapping episode 2 of Boardwalk Empire.


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Episode info: [ 0:37:31 | 18.0 MB | download here ]

DFAW #120: Looking for a Reason to Get Knocked Out

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On episode 120 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig look back at 1920 in more ways than one, including an Irish Pub reference. We also correct a couple mistakes from last episode, discuss our upcoming AC trip a bit more, and briefly cover the news:

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Episode info: [ 0:35:33 | 17.1 MB | download here ]

DFAW #119: Booking Rooms Out of Spite

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On episode 119 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig go alllll the way back to the year 2019 and talk about the many major events that will surely shape Atlantic City, and perhaps the universe, for decades to come. Then we briefly mention the fact that Prohibition started 100 years prior, update everyone on our trip plans, and get into some news:

Like the podcast? Think there’s something we should discuss? Let us know in the comments, reach out to us on Twitter, post it in our Facebook group, or email us at [email protected].

Episode info: [ 0:34:51 | 16.7 MB | download here ]

DFAW #118: The Equable Climate of South Jersey

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On episode 118 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig look back at the events of 2018, when Hard Rock and Ocean opened and legalized sports betting began in New Jersey. Then we go back another hundred years to find a hype piece about the National Education Association’s annual convention for school superintendents. Riveting!


Like the podcast? Think there’s something we should discuss? Let us know in the comments, reach out to us on Twitter, post it in our Facebook group, or email us at [email protected].

Episode info: [ 0:47:33 | 22.8 MB | download here ]

DFAW #117: Getting Serious for a Minute (or 30)

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On episode 117 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig look back at the openings, closings, and properties changing hands in 2017, then go back 100 years for a brief discussion of Atlantic City during World War I (thanks to this article by Dr. David G. Schwartz).

Then we talk about a listener who’s no longer Due For A Win thanks to a big win he hit while wearing a Due For A Win t-shirt (order yours here), we try to plan a March trip to Atlantic City, and then we revert to early podcast form and talk about serious city issues for the rest of the episode.

Serious city issues:

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Episode info: [ 0:46:26 | 22.3 MB | download here ]

DFAW #116: Open the Rainforest Cafe Casino Already

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On episode 116 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig look back at several major events in 2016, Atlantic City’s Negro League baseball team that started in 1916, and the latest on the movement to change the city’s form of government. Then, Craig provides a full recap of his two-night trip to Ocean.


  • Ocean “2nd floor” room
  • Villain & Saint
  • Harper’s
  • Distrito Happy Hour
  • Cafe 2825
  • KWI Noodle House
  • Exhale Spa
  • Ocean’s slot selection

Like the podcast? Think there’s something we should discuss? Let us know in the comments, reach out on Twitter, post in our Facebook group, or email us at [email protected].

Episode info: [ 0:40:28 | 19.4 MB | download here ]

DFAW #115: Jitney Chips

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On episode 115 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig look back at 2015 when the emerging new forces shaping the city were Glenn Straub, Bart Blatstein, and a plucky, upstart podcast. Then we go back 100 years further and learn about the origin of AC’s most iconic mode of road transportation.

After that, we talk about some better slots we should be playing (courtesy of Vinny Chenz of the Seven Out Podcast), a weird placeholder on the Bally’s website, our New Year’s resolutions, and Craig’s upcoming 2-night trip to Ocean.

Like the podcast? Think there’s something we should discuss? Let us know in the comments, reach out to us on Twitter, post it in our Facebook group, or email us at [email protected].

Episode info: [ 0:29:40 | 14.2 MB | download here ]


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On episode 114 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig get in the holiday spirit by opening up the DFAW Mailbag! Also, a look back at the perilous state of Atlantic City in 2014, random headlines from a 1914 edition of the Atlantic City Review, and some news.

Your questions:

  • What’s the scoop on SpongeBob SquarePants visiting Atlantic City?
  • Is Gilchrist overrated?
  • If casinos get more money from online play will they invest less in their AC buildings?
  • What do you include when tracking your gambling losses?
  • What are Craig’s top five slots?

The news:

Like the podcast? Think there’s something we should discuss? Let us know in the comments, reach out to us on Twitter, post it in our Facebook group, or email us at [email protected].

Episode info: [ 0:50:27 | 24.2 MB | download here ]

DFAW #113: Deep Thoughts on Monopoly Pieces and the NFC East

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On episode 113 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig look back at the tough times of 2013, then go back 100 years further to the opening of the glorious Garden Pier. Other topics include:

Next episode will be a MAILBAG! Send your questions via the comments below, on Twitter, in our Facebook group, or email them to us at [email protected].

Episode info: [ 0:36:38 | 17.6 MB | download here ]

DFAW #112: Eyes of Envy

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On episode 112 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig look back at the many changes in AC in 2012, then go back 100 years further to what must have been the cinematic masterpiece of its time. Also, some news:

Like the podcast? Think there’s something we should discuss? Let us know in the comments, reach out to us on Twitter, post it in our Facebook group, or email us at [email protected].

Episode info: [ 0:39:50 | 19.1 MB | download here ]