DFAW Mailbag Vol. 1: Low Rollers with $1 Billion to Invest in AC

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For our 59th episode, we respond to listener questions a month or two after getting them! Hopefully they’re still relevant to the people who asked the questions. Topics include:

  • Issues with online hotel booking, especially comped or discounted rooms.
  • Property-specific comps within Total Rewards.
  • Definitions of high, mid, and low rollers, and where we fit.
  • Best “bang for the buck” for low rollers.
  • Kyle’s “Diamond in a day” story.
  • Updates on Revel/TEN (still closed), Atlantic Club (still closed) and Trump Plaza (still closed).
  • What we’d like to see improved, and what we’d do if we had Straubian amounts of money to invest in AC.

Note: Craig mistakenly claimed that Caesars placed a deed restriction on The Atlantic Club property but that’s not true. They put a restriction on Showboat.
Just kidding! Atlantic Club does have a deed restriction on it. Thanks to David W. in the Facebook group for clarifying.

Have questions you’d like us to answer in a future Mailbag episode? Reach out on Twitter, post in our Facebook group, or email [email protected]. Thanks to everyone who sent questions!

Episode info: [ 1:14:21 | 35.7 MB | download here ]

DFAW Special: An Atlantic City Primer

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In this very special episode of Due For A Win, we attempt to provide a primer of sorts for people who haven’t ever been to Atlantic City or haven’t been in a while. We start by saying we don’t like to compare AC to Las Vegas, then proceed to compare AC to Vegas for the next hour and a half. Included in this timeless gem:

  • A highly abridged and somewhat accurate history of Atlantic City.
  • The most comparable Vegas casino for each AC casino, which you’ll strongly disagree with.
  • A rundown of all the hotel towers so that you know what the heck you’re booking.
  • What you must do if you have one day in AC.
  • Some restaurant and bar recommendations.
  • Our new slogan for Atlantic City tourism…

If you’re thinking about checking out Atlantic City, this is a good episode to start with. If you go to AC often, you might have strong reactions. Either way, reach out on Twitter, post in our Facebook group, or email [email protected].

Episode info: [ 1:30:10 | 43.3 MB | download here ]

DFAW #57: A Non-AC Trip Report

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On episode 57 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig talk about their trip to Live! Casino Hotel in Hanover, Md., which included Interblock’s stadium craps/blackjack/baccarat/roulette terminals and having to pay for drinks. Then, some news.

Like the podcast? Think there’s something we should discuss? Let us know in the comments, reach out to us on Twitter, post it in our Facebook group; or email us at [email protected].

Episode info: [ 0:48:15 | 23.2 MB | download here ]

DFAW #56: Elite Status in 2030

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On episode 56 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig discuss their status for the April 2018 Connecticut casino meetup (spoiler: not looking too good for us), then they get into the latest news:

Like the podcast? Think there’s something we should discuss? Let us know in the comments, reach out to us on Twitter, post it in our Facebook group; or email us at [email protected].

Episode info: [ 0:41:40 | 20.0 MB | download here ]

DFAW #55: Earnest Millennial Fans of AC

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On episode 55 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig talk about news, news, and more news, including whether or not Revel will be sold.

Also, we want your questions and comments for an upcoming listener mailbag show! Email us at [email protected], Tweet at us, post something in our Facebook group.

Episode info: [ 0:55:44 | 26.8 MB | download here ]

DFAW #54: Due To Give It All Back

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On episode 54 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig attempt to remember their Atlantic City trip from more than 10 days ago, including what they ate and where they gambled. Then, some news:

Like the podcast? Think there’s something we should discuss? Let us know in the comments, reach out to us on Twitter, post it in our Facebook group; or email us at [email protected].

Episode info: [ 1:10:40 | 33.9 MB | download here ]

DFAW #53: Counting Down the Hours

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On episode 53 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig discuss their August 10th-11th trip plans and then get into the news, including the rumor that Glenn Straub has sold (or is in the process of selling) the former Revel property. Also:

Like the podcast? Think there’s something we should discuss? Let us know in the comments, reach out to us on Twitter, post it in our Facebook group; or email us at [email protected].

Episode info: [ 0:56:31 | 27.1 MB | download here ]

DFAW #52: Divey and Awesome

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On episode 52 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig discuss booking their August 10th-12th AC trip before getting into the news:

Like the podcast? Think there’s something we should discuss? Let us know in the comments, reach out to us on Twitter, post it in our Facebook group; or email us at [email protected].

Episode info: [ 0:44:33 | 21.4 MB | download here ]

DFAW #51: Lowball Offers and Hypothetical Buyers

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On episode 51 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig discuss the $220 million offer for Revel that almost certainly won’t be accepted, and who we’d love to see buy the property if Glenn Straub actually sells it. Also, a bunch of other news:

And if you haven’t listened yet, Cousin Vito’s Casino had The Press of Atlantic City’s Nicholas Huba on as a guest to talk about the Taj Mahal liquidation sale, Hard Rock’s potential impact on the city, and more.

Like the podcast? Think there’s something we should discuss? Let us know in the comments, reach out to us on Twitter, post it in our Facebook group; or email us at [email protected].

Episode info: [ 1:14:27 | 35.7 MB | download here ]

DFAW #50: A Humble Retrospective

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On episode 50 of the Atlantic City and Casino Biz Podcast, Kyle and Craig take a trip down memory lane, from the show’s humble beginnings in November 2015 to now, when they can’t believe they haven’t won any major awards or been asked to serve as industry consultants for Caesars or MGM. After a not-so-brief retrospective, the news:

Like the podcast? Think there’s something we should discuss? Let us know in the comments, reach out to us on Twitter, post it in our Facebook group; or email us at [email protected].

Episode info: [ 1:08:26 | 32.9 MB | download here ]